Check Excluded Port Ranges
This script was built during an internship (and properly requested) to check excluded port ranges.
Raw file available at
This script checks if the given port has been placed in a excluded port range.
This script utilizes the netsh command and only observes TCP exclusion ranges.
param (
# Filters excluded port range output to just the ports
$rawPortRanges = netsh interface ipv4 show excludedportrange protocol=tcp | Select-String "\d+\s+\d+"
# Cleans the output to include just start/end port with a single space
$cleanPortRanges = $rawPortRanges -replace "\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+).*", '$1 $2'
$found = $false
$cleanPortRanges | % {
# Break apart the port, intrepret as int
$start, $end = $_.toString().split(' ')
$start = $start -as [int]
$end = $end -as [int]
# Complete the check
if ($targetPort -In $start..$end) {
$found = $true
Write-Host "${start} - ${end}"
Write-Host "`tPort ${targetPort} is in an excluded port range."
Break # Assumption: Excluded port ranges do not overlap
# Default output
if (!$found) {
Write-Host "Port ${targetPort} is not in an excluded port range."